LAST UPDATE: PJO 1:15 PM 06-Mar-2020

9:30 AM 28-Feb-2020; 9:10 PM 12-Feb-2020; 12:15 AM 31-Jan-2020

Next planned Breakfast

Sunday March 15, 2020

First served at 8:00 AM and ending at Noon

Held in the Activity Center at St. Mary of Gostyn school


SMG Activity Center

Reservation confirmed

  • Saturday March 14 from 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Sunday March 15 from 6:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Floor Plan

Dave Omelka

Determined the rectangular tables will maximize the number of usable seats

Placed serving tables, hot and cold beverage stations; garbage cans and dining tables/chairs

We need buckets for disposing unfinished beverages


Erv has SignUpGenius account access

Eliminate: Seconds table, food runners; 13 Scouts neededper shift

Launched and ready in early February; Accepting volunteers

Food and Beverage Donations

Tax Exempt Certificate: Illinois Exemption Certificate.pdf

Pancake Batter

  • Contact: Amy Glawe
  • Omega agreed to donate 10 - 5 gallons buckets of pancake batter
  • Pick up: Amy arranged for Sunday morning 15-March at 6:00 AM when Omega opens


  • Contact: Don Jones
  • Michael's on Main; Catering agreed to donate #50 of breakfast sausage (one-time)
  • They have requested not to be listed as a Donor, per a conversation with Don
  • Pick up: Don arranged for Saturday 14-March; time TBD

Milk and Orange Juice

  • Contact: Camille Palasz
  • Trader Joe's agreed to donate (quantity?)
  • Pick up: Camille - TBD?

Coffee, sweeteners, & cream

  • Contact: Camille Palasz
  • Dave Bullard has offered again to donate the coffee
  • Waiting for Dave to respond whether extras are included or not
  • Pick up / Drop-off: TBD


Chafing dishes: Mike Ward (Westmont KofC), plenty of sterno

Food warmer: SMG owns, new, electric

Industrial fans: Tom Harrington or Al Weinheiner


Dave Bullard has offered to prepare all of the printable material

Pat will confirm details

  • Sunday March 15,2020
  • 8:00 AM - Noon
  • All tickets $6
  • All you can Eat

Outstanding questions

  • contact Nick to determine if he will be the email contact listed on the docs
  • one version of the material lists Nick's phone number for pre-sales of tickets.  We need to figure out how or if this will continue
    • Can we have calls for tickets go to the Rectory?

Pulpit announcement

  • Will Fr. Jim allow?
  • If yes, how many and which weekends?


  • Moira will handle all entries; Fr. Jim allows only two weekend entries per event
  • Half page Bulletin AD on the weekend of 1-Mar
  • Full page Bulletin AD on the weekend of 8-March


  • Camille will post to T89 page; first post was Tuesday 25-Feb
  • Camille will follow up with the Parish / School to post on their respective pages

Marquee (Fairview Ave.& Prairie Ave)

  • LeAnne will post the event; likely within the weekend before


  • Pat asked a friend, Barb Dawson, to give it a fresh look; they are ready for print as of Monday 24-Mar


  • We may have enough in stock
  • Donors have changed, do we need to create new ones?

Yard Signs

  • Dave mocked up and Pat approved
  • 20 yard signs with 20 riders (date only)
  • Ask Scouts living near SMG (up to 10) to place one in their yard

Ticket Sales

  1. At the door: pay for x number people, no tickets handed out
  2. Presales: Nick will deliver tickets and collect payment before the event
  3. Tickets were distributed to Frank Panatera (Cub Scouts) and each Boy Scout in attendance at the 24-Feb Troop meeting
  4. Request additional tickets from Nick

Split the Pot

Arlene Reusz has submitted the paperwork through the Parish

  • We need to receive a permit from VoDG 
  • Arlene has posters to promote and tickets (leftover)

Volunteer Sign up

Contact: Erv Henderson

SignUpGenius previously maintained by Dave

Seating Capacity

There is no official capacity provided by the Parish or the DG Fire Department at this time

Maximum capacity with rectangular tables: ~180 ppl.(per Terri O'DeKirk)

Desired capacity for our event: ~150 ppl.

Possible mix of rectangular and round tables

Tables and chairs may need to be brought over from the Gathering Place, depending on our choice of layout

A drawing of the room layout may need to be turned in to the Parish

We can use the laptop connected to the TV; maybe we can connect our own laptop with our presentation

Internet password to be provided by the Parish

Reset Activity Center after the event: AC School Lunch set up 2020.pdf

Equipment & Supplies

Inventory: Nick, Travis, Tom Nelson, Rich, Scott

  • Based on The belief is we have more than enough supplies of plates, plasticware, cups, etc.
  • Trailer: either needs to be pulled over to the school or all the equipment and supplies will need to be transferred to another vehicle
  • Trailer does not need to move for inventory
    • Scott and Rich will coordinate
    • Don can get donations for utensils 
  • Trailer needs to move for unloading equipment

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2024 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved